Be teachable, not perfect. | DEIDRE WOLMARANS
In the vast classroom of life, only the teachable receive teaching. Only the teachable become learners. Only by learning can you know things. Acknowledge that everything you know, you've learned and what you're willing to learn often outweighs what you already know. Embrace the role of a perpetual student - Become a student; Student of life. Student in relationships. Student in your area of knowledge but more so outside of your areas of knowledge. Be teachable but don't be ignorant and naive about it. Being teachable doesn't equate to being naive. Your skull is only as thick as you think it is.
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Be teachable, not perfect.

Perfection is a mirage. If you think you are perfect, I think you are short-sighted and outdated.

— Be teachable, not perfect.

Be teachable, not perfect.

In the vast classroom of life, only the teachable receive teaching. Only the teachable become learners.

Only by learning can you know things. Acknowledge that everything you know, you’ve learned and what you’re willing to learn often outweighs what you already know.

Embrace the role of a perpetual student – Become a student;

Student of life.

Student in relationships.

Student in your area of knowledge but more so outside of your areas of knowledge.

Be teachable but don’t be ignorant and naive about it. Being teachable doesn’t equate to being naive. Your skull is only as thick as you think it is.

1. Cultivate discernment

Being influenced and being taught. these are two different things. Don’t just sponge up whatever comes your way, filter the teachings that surround you – investigate it, you’ll already learn something.

Question, and glean wisdom.

2. Surround yourself with teachers

Saying about you become like the 5 people who you are the closest to, for you become a reflection of those you closely associate with. Studies show that the average attention span is around 8 seconds, highlighting the need for active, engaging learning methods, and whom you choose to learn from.

3. Debate

Don’t just settle for the first answer, settling for the first answer may deprive you of deeper insights.

4. This is nothing new;

If you are the smartest person in the room, get out! Challenge the notion that being the smartest person in the room is an achievement. Instead, seek environments where you’re inspired to grow and learn.

And this really clever guy, who never claimed to be perfect said “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death,” yes, Albert Einstein. He emphasizes the lifelong nature of learning.

Perfection is a mirage. If you think you are perfect, I think you are short-sighted and outdated.

Learning is perpetual and transformative. Be teachable, not perfect.

I hope you learned something.